
There is A team Work Guide For The Secert World

The Deck is excellent for team play, as it is purely made for healing. The Exorcist can do no damage on its own, but has strong protective and healing abilities which benefit the entire team. The Deck is very good when facing strong opponents, such as dungeon bosses, because it has good powers for healing both single targets and groups of allies in The Secert World .

The Exorcist uses both Blood Magic and Fist Weapons, but purely for healing purposes. He can not only rescue those in danger with powerful healing spells, but can also sacrifice some of his own health to heal his entire team at once. Everyone will breathe easier with an Exorcist at their side, because he can continuously give himself and his allies protective barriers and heal-over-time effects.

Creature Comfort: A Fist ability which gives your defensive target a heal-over-time effect which lasts for several seconds. You also gain an effect which gives you a heal the next time you use a Fist Consumer ability. Consumes all Fist Resources.

Angelic Aegis: A Blood Magic ability which heals and places a Barrier, which absorbs some incoming damage, on your defensive target. Consumes three Blood Magic Resources. Can be powered by your own health.
Vigour: A Fist ability which places an effect in a targeted area. This effect will last several seconds and will heal several friendly targets in the area each second.

Infusion: A Blood Magic ability which removes a Barrier from yourself and makes the next Barrier placed on you absorb extra damage. Builds three Blood Magic Resources.Cold Blooded: A Blood Magic Elite ability which is channeled for a few seconds to do several hits. Each of the hits do damage to you equal to 3% of your maximum health, and all team members receive a heal and a Barrier, which absorbs some incoming damage. During the channel you take considerably less damage from other attacks.

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