
This is a complete compilation of the recruitment and introductory cinematics for The Secret World

This is a complete compilation of the recruitment and introductory cinematics for all three of the factions of The Secret World as of the final Beta weekend. The Templar, Illuminati and Dragon recruitments, how they introduce themselves, how they send you to the “Tokyo Flashback”, their weapons trainers, your meeting with their leaders where they send you on your first assignment to Soloman Island, your first arrival in Agartha, the Hollow Earth, and your welcome and first mission in Kingsmouth. Every introduction, all in one place. Enjoy in The Secret World .

 While the voice overs were great, my own character wasn’t just a bit too quiet – not a single word was spoken by her during any of the cut scenes. No utterance at all. But what’s worse is that I also didn’t hear any sounds coming from her during combat (you know, those sounds you get to hear when your character is hit… “oompf” or whatever – or when he/she hits somebody). Your own character is 100% silent, at all times. Not a single muscle moved in her face while people told her about the bad happenings in the town. Your character is without any expression. While I loved the voice overs and liked the facial expressions of the NPCs during cut scenes, I sat here in front of the PC wondering if my character was just brainless (zombies!) or didn’t care at all. One NPC even made fun of her asking if she’s the “quiet type” because she isn’t speaking.

On to the actual gameplay. I mentioned the stiff animations. I mean, they’re not really bad but they certainly didn’t impress me. The animations during combat/while executing skills didn’t bother me too much, but the lack of facial expressions were a lot worse. All in all, my character really did feel emotin- and lifeless. And what’s with the stiff neck? My character and all of the others around me kept stretching and rubbing their necks. Weird. On top of that, while I liked the lack of levels and the skill-wheel, the combat itself was rather bland. It’s the same old hitting-numbers game that you know from other games.

In this case, it seemed to be a choice between ranged physical combat, melee combat and magic combat. Once again, I realized how theoretically, I love magic but when it comes to the actual “fun factor”, I just really love melee (in this case, my Dragon-faction character fought with a katana while my Illuminati-character fought with blood magic which just didn’t excite me much.

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