
Where Does Spy Cameras And Home Protection Stand Today?

Even though there is a rise in crime, there is a decrease in home security prices such as the spy cameras. This decrease has made spy cameras one of the most sought after devices in home protection today.

In these modern days,   spy cameras  include small pens with built in cameras and sunglasses that give you protection from the sun all while spying on people. Years ago, these spy cameras would have cost you a few hundred bucks. However in today's times, these spy cameras are part of many home protection systems and can be bought at a fraction of the cost years ago. The new modern spy cameras even come with sensors, alarms, and remote internet access. With this modern technology, you can hook up your house cameras to your main cable system and watch your spy cameras from any TV or monitor in your home.

The spy cameras for home protection systems are not the only new and advanced home protection equipment to improve over the years. There are many more devices to watch over your home such as motion sensors that can tell the difference between an animal and a human to alarms, trip wires, digital locks, and much more James Bond gear! In today's market just about everything is affordable to all home owners, unless you choose to have your home protection system setup by trained professionals. However, even though this new home protection gear is new age, its really not that hard to install yourself. By doing it yourself, you can save thousands of dollars.

However, if you can not tell a spy camera from a window alarm, then it may be in your best interest to hire professionals. Especially considering the amount of property and values that are at stake if you screw up! The professionals installing your new home protection system can show you how it all works and answer any questions you may have. Spy cameras and home protection equipment can be tricky if you don't know what you are doing. After spending so much money on all of this new equipment, the last thing you want to do is to break it all.

Two of the most popular home protection supplies are the spy pen and the spy sunglasses. These devices will need to be hooked up to your computer or a monitor to work correctly. This task can be easy or complicated, it all depends on what brand of spy cameras you have invested in. These devices are undetectable to the naked eye and are fun to use.

Spy camera provide great protection at home or any where else you go and therefore are great investments. Since the price drops on all of this new home protection equipment, these cameras are becoming very popular. What would have cost you hundreds of dollars years ago, now can be bought for under a hundred bucks.

YY Voice parent company to be listed on the United States

The togetherness era Nasdaq listing prospectus hanging announced financing of $ 100,000,000. YY voice of the voice messaging software and game information service websites to play more games in togetherness era's.
The IPO application materials submitted togetherness era, management of the Company currently consists of nine members, Lei Jun, chairman of the company, the CEO and board member Li Xueling, Morningside Ventures Managing Director and members of the Board Liu Qin. Which, Lei Jun and Li Xueling tied each hold a 23.8% stake in the company's largest shareholder.
Li Xueling the togetherness era founder, responsible for the company's development strategy and product development. He was the IT reporter, was founded in 2005 to play more games network, enter the game field, and subsequently launched YY speech software. The company initially received a the Lei Jun $ 1 million angel investment, to play more in the last year, won the Tiger Fund $ 100 million lead investor.
Similar YY Voice of the important products of the company and Tencent micro-channel, the flagship mobile communication and social games. Publicly available data, as of September 2012, YY registered users reached 400 million people, 66.1 million monthly active users, the number of domestic users top five.
It is understood that the company's principal income of togetherness era comes from online games, online advertising. While YY Voice income mainly from online games, users buy Y coins and game currency and virtual items through YY platform, including some virtual items in virtual game equipment and channels.
Since last year, the muddy water, citron and other agencies to vigorously do air shall share in the overseas market IPO case of cold, Lashou, China Auto Rental in the submission of the prospectus and then have to suspend or revoke the IPO plans.
The togetherness era second game takes stock of recent IPO in the United States. Previously, the first video of its Chinese hand tour in September listed on Nasdaq through the "Introduction" way, that is only listed do not finance, in order to increase company visibility.
The prospectus shows that togetherness times the amount of loss in recent years in narrowing and to achieve profitability in the first half of this year. In 2009, 2010 and 2011, the the togetherness era of the company's net loss was $ 7,480,000, $ 37,920,000 and $ 13,200,000, respectively. Togetherness Times Company net profit of $ 3.3 million in the first half of 2012.


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Run Away From Diablo 3,Go To Choose Guild War 2

On to the main event – that Blizzard are ‘admitting’ that Diablo 3′s endgame is lacking, and players are discussing GW2′s lack of a proper (or at least traditional… or maybe at least traditional if you’ve only played Everquest and WoW) endgame. Just as an aside, I personally am not all that fond of the term endgame and prefer to refer to what you do after levelling as the ‘elder game’. Endgame smacks of an objective, something desirable to be reached and which makes all of the stuff leading up to that point a chore to be gotten out of the way. Elder game seems a more neutral term for “well, I enjoyed the levelling but that’s the last ding, now what?” However, as almost everybody else talks about it as endgame, I guess I’d better use the term as well.

As for Guild Wars 2 – well, it certainly doesn’t have a raiding endgame with gear progression like EQ, WoW or most of their progeny. However, my MMO background is from Dark Age of Camelot which didn’t really rely on that stuff either, so I’m a lot more relaxed about it. The key question is – what can I do once I’m finished with levelling and the personal story in GW2? Will there be enough to keep me occupied for a while instead of deciding that I’ve finished with the game? In my view, there are at least two positive answers to that question. The World Vs World content is the closest thing to DAoC’s frontiers at least since Warhammer Online, and as DAoC kept me entertained for several years I would say that WvW has at least a chance of also becoming a long-term form of entertainment. And the nature of the game’s dynamic events and level-scaling means that I could spend a long time wandering Tyria looking for PvE adventure and still keep encountering new stuff that’s a fair challenge, especially if ArenaNet keep their promise of having a live team that constantly mixes up the events so things don’t get set into a rut.

It’s weird though, and unfortunate, as Guild Wars 2 has absolutely nothing to be worried about in that department. Throw a rock anywhere in this world and – as well as probably aggroing some zombie who’ll try to eat your face – you’re going to hit something pretty. The Sylvari area is no exception, from a literally blooming lovely dreamworld opening to the lush terrain around their racial city, The Grove. It’s a place of huge fields, layers of fireflies, floating boulders flicking invisible V-signs at the laws of physics, lakes to cross on over-sized lily pads, giant plant bulbs carved into shops and lots more on the theme of ‘cool organic stuff’.

It’s also a surprisingly welcoming place. Where you’d expect the Sylvari to be elf types, complete with endless arrogance and racial superiority, in practice they’re a friendly bunch. Wandering around the Grove you’ll see them happily chatting with Charr and discussing their plans to go check out other civilisations. Their leader, The Pale Tree, gladly receives visitors. I didn’t even have to sit through a single lecture about the importance of nature, or any hippie crap. They may be jade, but they’re not jaded. Or even green with envy, from what I could tell.

PvE raids never offered much enjoyment for a Killer, and the way raids are organised now has little for either Socialisers (with ever-smaller raid sizes) or Explorers (who are told to go look the strategies up on YouTube rather than figure out their own). GW2 has more than enough to keep levelcapped Killers and Explorers happy, at least. If WoW can succeed by offering an endgame for one Bartle type, I’m pretty sure GW2 stands a fighting chance by trying to offer enough for two of them.

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Skill We All Know For Wower

Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake, attracts thousands of wower. Phosphorescent Stone Drake in  cataclysm from Aeonaxx boss.
 Interestingly, on top of just finding and killing, the rare starts off friendly, you then mount it (Like a vehicle)
Once you do the drake becomes hostile and you have to kill it before you become "overwhelmed" (While still riding it)
I believe he summons adds with low health that should be killed quickly, the mob itself has around 700k
Once dead he falls to the ground and you loot (You get a parachute)

This is Aeonaxx, spouse of Aeosera who is a Boss in Deepholm. When he is found, he is hovering.

After a while, a hint come out:"Kill Aeonaxx before his whelps overwhelm you." Then 77.4 blood, high speed filight around Deephom. On his back, may lost way, " Target need to be in front of you" always remind you.

Every some while, there will be a a stone drake with 7749 blood, but the threath is small. As a Mage, this is out of control. Some special issue allows Hunter use spells. Anyway, killing Aeonaxx by anr way.

On the back of drake, it is not in combat, he doesn't attack. At the moment of killing whelp, Reclamation

You will get a jump-sack to land after Aeonaxx' death. Kill him in a proper moment because he is hovering orelse you will land in a mobs.

Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake land.

Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake, as ugly as Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake. Maybe it's a good way to avoid more wowers to rob it.

Different screen shot from different angle

The designation of Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake, Blizzard think of wow fans a lot.  Firstly, he will fly with high speed around Deepholm, enemy is hard to attack you. Secondly, After its death, land slowly, dropping or falling of could be avoid.

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You don't Know Games Means To Me

Not worth the time

Although they have names and can be tempting to the cash-strapped traveler, seven mobs scattered throughout Inggison drop only green or blue items and are therefore shunned by the masses. As either normal- or elite-grade, they can be be killed fairly easily, but their lack of fabled (gold) or eternal items makes them very unappealing. These are: Titch Kippie (level 52), Glugbeard (52), Chief Kurnus (53), The Punisher (53), Tiritaphonl (54), Mervin (54), and Skar (54). On this list, only Titch Kippie and Glugbeard are elites. Of course, if you just want an ego boost for killing a named mob, then have at it!

Getting to the good stuff

Most world bosses receive a second glance only if they offer at least some gold loot. This group has a nice mix of normal-, elite-, and hero-grade bosses, allowing for some solo and group hunting. The lower-grade named mobs qualify for inclusion on this list because of their loot.

If you are out by yourself, you may prefer to take on just the normal-grade bosses. These are: Rockhorn, Violoton, Skuma Silvereye, Kyang Redmane, Baydeeafa, and Geffen. The first three are levels 53, 54, and 54 respectively, with the final three all being level 55. Each mob drops at least one piece of gold armor or weapon, with the exception of the fairy-looking Skuma Silvereye, who drops a component used in crafting weapons. Geffen has three to four spawn points and is heavily camped for his warhammer drop. Baydeeafa is likewise often camped and drops chain or leather shoulder pieces. In all, each mob in this group is fairly easily dispatched.

The next levels of bosses are not as easy to deal with; although harder, most can be can be defeated with with less than a full group (two or three Daevas are often sufficient, with an occasional one being soloed by a Cleric). Sukana the Learned (level 55) is included in this group even though he is simply an elite mob, because he hits like a Mac truck. The rest in this group are hero-grade, including Elder Narikiki, Priest Zitan, Latzio Stoneheart, Captain Voltayre, and Queen Klawnickt.

Elder Narikiki is level 53, but that doesn't mean she is a pushover. A tip for defeating this boss is to back into the little hut with your back facing the wall in a corner to avoid running out willy-nilly into other mobs when she casts her confusion spell. Another point to keep in mind is that at 50% and 25% health she summons clones (one and then two, respectively). These clones are mini-elites and hit as hard as the boss, so be sure to kill the clones fast!

Priest Zitan  isn't too bad on his own -- the trick here is to run him around to avoid his slow-moving pet that does a lot of damage. Usually, just clear into the tunnel of Udas Temple a bit and drag him back. Then kill him before the pet catches up.

Latzio Stoneheart  is not too difficult, but he is a pain to get to in the Forest of Antiquity. While he also drops gold gloves of every armor type, his blood is a highly prized crafting component.

Captain Voltayre drops gold pants for every armor type. This guy has a single heal that will replenish about 50% of his health, but that can be reduced with skills like festering wound or fleshcutter arrow.

Queen Klawnickt is fairly easy, especially for a level 55, but her only real claim to fame is a component used in crafting armor.

Cream of the crop

Next up are the most coveted drops -- the eternals. These are offered off of only three world bosses: Head Priest Nashuma (hero), Omega (legendary), and Sematariux (is there an uber-legendary category?).

Head Priest Nashuma is the lowest level of the eternal-dropping bosses, meaning he is fairly easy and doesn't even need a full group to kill. Although he is easily doable with three players, there was some speculation about whether or not he could actually be duo'd. Nashuma drops gold chest pieces as well, but it is his shield that is highly prized. What you need to watch for is his skill shooting star storm, which will one-shot anyone in range.

Omega is the bad boy of Inggison, laying waste to unsuspecting travelers along the road to the Temple of Scales. Just like Deputy Hanuman is a world boss above the rest, so too is Omega. Any legitimate fight takes an alliance, and you need to be prepared to resurrect a lot! I hear there are some special tactics for very successful fights, but people have been loathe to share these and want to keep the information to themselves.

Now, you did see me mention fighting Omega legitimately. Some people do use an exploit to fight him with a much smaller group by dragging him into the guards while a plate class takes the adds away. This exploit is supposed to be addressed and fixed with the next patch. Certain people have also been known to drag Omega to the guards in order to kill-steal from an alliance, making it so that the NPC out-damages and no loot drops.

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for1game: They would prefer to play Guild Wars 2 right now T...:  What skills the necromancer in Guild Wars 2 has still available on the official website for the MMO. There are also several videos tha...

Regarding new details on The Secret World's planned business model

During today's quarterly financial presentation Funcom presented the initial overview on the planned business model for The Secret World.

At the presentation we revealed that The Secret World will feature a traditional paid subscription model combined with micro-transactions through an in-game store. This information was provided as part of Funcom's financial forecast going forward, and no further details were given due to the fact that we are still working on finalizing the model.

We are very excited about introducing an in-game store already from launch. Being able to integrate the store into the actual design of the game pre-launch gives us opportunities you do not normally get when introducing a store after you have launched a game.

We will be revealing more information about the store at a later date, but what we can say for now is that it will focus mostly on convenience item and character customization items such as clothing - of which The Secret World will offer a ton of variety! As developers we are being very careful in making sure that items purchased through the store does not give players any unfair advantage against those who do not use the in-game store.

Character power in The Secret World will be determined by how well you play the game, not how much money you are willing to put into it. Funcom already has considerable experience with in-game stores such as these and we have previously implemented these systems without damaging game balance in our other games, and as such we are confident the same will be true for The Secret World.

We look forward to revealing more about the in-game store as we progress towards launch!


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There is A team Work Guide For The Secert World

The Deck is excellent for team play, as it is purely made for healing. The Exorcist can do no damage on its own, but has strong protective and healing abilities which benefit the entire team. The Deck is very good when facing strong opponents, such as dungeon bosses, because it has good powers for healing both single targets and groups of allies in The Secert World .

The Exorcist uses both Blood Magic and Fist Weapons, but purely for healing purposes. He can not only rescue those in danger with powerful healing spells, but can also sacrifice some of his own health to heal his entire team at once. Everyone will breathe easier with an Exorcist at their side, because he can continuously give himself and his allies protective barriers and heal-over-time effects.

Creature Comfort: A Fist ability which gives your defensive target a heal-over-time effect which lasts for several seconds. You also gain an effect which gives you a heal the next time you use a Fist Consumer ability. Consumes all Fist Resources.

Angelic Aegis: A Blood Magic ability which heals and places a Barrier, which absorbs some incoming damage, on your defensive target. Consumes three Blood Magic Resources. Can be powered by your own health.
Vigour: A Fist ability which places an effect in a targeted area. This effect will last several seconds and will heal several friendly targets in the area each second.

Infusion: A Blood Magic ability which removes a Barrier from yourself and makes the next Barrier placed on you absorb extra damage. Builds three Blood Magic Resources.Cold Blooded: A Blood Magic Elite ability which is channeled for a few seconds to do several hits. Each of the hits do damage to you equal to 3% of your maximum health, and all team members receive a heal and a Barrier, which absorbs some incoming damage. During the channel you take considerably less damage from other attacks.

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This is a complete compilation of the recruitment and introductory cinematics for The Secret World

This is a complete compilation of the recruitment and introductory cinematics for all three of the factions of The Secret World as of the final Beta weekend. The Templar, Illuminati and Dragon recruitments, how they introduce themselves, how they send you to the “Tokyo Flashback”, their weapons trainers, your meeting with their leaders where they send you on your first assignment to Soloman Island, your first arrival in Agartha, the Hollow Earth, and your welcome and first mission in Kingsmouth. Every introduction, all in one place. Enjoy in The Secret World .

 While the voice overs were great, my own character wasn’t just a bit too quiet – not a single word was spoken by her during any of the cut scenes. No utterance at all. But what’s worse is that I also didn’t hear any sounds coming from her during combat (you know, those sounds you get to hear when your character is hit… “oompf” or whatever – or when he/she hits somebody). Your own character is 100% silent, at all times. Not a single muscle moved in her face while people told her about the bad happenings in the town. Your character is without any expression. While I loved the voice overs and liked the facial expressions of the NPCs during cut scenes, I sat here in front of the PC wondering if my character was just brainless (zombies!) or didn’t care at all. One NPC even made fun of her asking if she’s the “quiet type” because she isn’t speaking.

On to the actual gameplay. I mentioned the stiff animations. I mean, they’re not really bad but they certainly didn’t impress me. The animations during combat/while executing skills didn’t bother me too much, but the lack of facial expressions were a lot worse. All in all, my character really did feel emotin- and lifeless. And what’s with the stiff neck? My character and all of the others around me kept stretching and rubbing their necks. Weird. On top of that, while I liked the lack of levels and the skill-wheel, the combat itself was rather bland. It’s the same old hitting-numbers game that you know from other games.

In this case, it seemed to be a choice between ranged physical combat, melee combat and magic combat. Once again, I realized how theoretically, I love magic but when it comes to the actual “fun factor”, I just really love melee (in this case, my Dragon-faction character fought with a katana while my Illuminati-character fought with blood magic which just didn’t excite me much.

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The Secret World Satisdied Not So Much?

I have tried The Secret World during the last two beta weekend events. This post is not a review. It is about my first impressions of the game and thus, much too incomplete for a review. But just fine as a “first impressions” piece.

 For once, I had not read up on every available detail before playing the game for the first time. I have also not looked up that much. However, I did use Google a few times to try and figure out a few riddles in the game, including one quest where the quest text told me to do A while I actually had to do B. It happens during a beta, I guess.

The character creation process was quite nice. While I would have liked a few more choices in the way the actual character looks (you know, noses, eyebrows, hair styles, chin size and all that), there was an abundance of clothing to choose from. This is especially important as I haven’t seen a single other piece of clothing drop while playing the game. But as I said, there was lots of stuff to choose from and I spent lots of time in that character creation screen. I assume other clothing options will be available later on and you’ll probably be able to buy more outfits in their store (the game has a monthly sub and a cash shop).

You can choose one of three factions: Dragon, Templar or Illuminati. I had wanted to choose Dragon first but when the time came to make a decision, I decided for Illuminati instead. It’s very nice that when you decide for the faction, you can watch all three “faction trailers” that tell you who they are. I later made another character and chose Dragon this time. They all appear in the same starting area, so if that’s what you’re worried about, then this shouldn’t be your deciding factor. I still liked the atmosphere of Dragons more, though. There is a little starter tutorial zone where you’re introduced to your faction and the characters in there were far more memorable. By the way, I deliberately leave out any story details.

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Diablo 3 level Hard To Reach?

The style of the Barbarian is very bullish. This class of character might be right for you if you like the brute force, no frills approach to leveling. The Barbarian has the abilities of the recently added Earthquake and the famous Whirlwind and therefore offers a competent and very durable and competent selection for your new Diablo 3 character.

Conversely, the Wizard has considerably less armor than the barbarian. The wizard is best suited to those players who would rather rain destruction down on their enemies while maintaining a reasonably safe distance from them. The style of the Wizard's game play is just as exhilarating as the Barbarians but requires somewhat more finesse.

One of the new classes of characters added to Diablo 3 is the Demon Hunter. The Demon hunter can provide numerous opportunities for the development of a creative style of playing the game such as trapping and ranged attacks. The Demon Hunter is somewhat of a hybrid of both the rogue and hunter classes in other RPGs.

For those players who really enjoy combat, the Monk is an excellent selection of character. The character animations are very enjoyable to watch and the Monk's skills are fun to execute. The Monk will provide an exciting, frenzied, and fast moving style of gaming although in the beta version of Diablo 3, the monk has limited skills.

If you want many different abilities, magic, and control over pets, the Witch Doctor is a good selection of character. These abilities are all woven together seamlessly into an interesting force to be reckoned with. The Witch Doctor is similar to the Necromancer in Diablo 2 and some players believe that the ultimate selection for power leveling could be this class of character.

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Guild Wars 2 is set to expand the gaming world of Guild Wars with new features

Guild Wars came out several years ago and quite literally shocked the MMO world with its fast paced gameplay, innovative grind-less philosophy, and best of all: a lack of a monthly subscription fee. There were lots of different skills, a PVP system that was fun and balanced and constant expansions coming out bringing new content.

For several years now ArenaNet has been hard at work developing their brand new MMO world with new professions, new races, new gameplay modes, and brand new engine and story. After having looked at all the new features of Guild Wars 2, it's safe to say that this game is a lock to be a great game, and definitely better than the original.

We must first start with the 5 new races that are available for play in Guild Wars 2. These new races aren't simply visual candy used to separate the thousands of players playing at the same time as each other. In fact these new races will have their own starting areas for quests, they will have their own racial traits, and also they will possess unique racial abilities that will each give a specific kind of edge in actual combat.

Guild Wars 2 is set to expand the gaming world of Guild Wars with new features that will make it among the most revolutionary games online. This Guild Wars 2 guide will take you through some of those features. It is important to remember that these features are in the development stage still and can change at any time.

One of the most exciting features will be the true to life 3D environments. With this feature, a player will experience enhanced game play over the previous Guild Wars and it will enhance the way the new story is being told to the player.

As a new feature, players can now determine the class and race of their characters. For races, players can choose from Sylvari, Norn, Charr, Asura and the Humans. As for classes, to date only the only the Warrior and Elementalist have been announced. As more classes are revealed, the game's main site will be updated with these exciting new professions.

Character levels have been increased for the characters as well. As an exciting and revolutionary new feature to this concept, higher level players can transfer some of their available powers to lower level 'sidekick' characters, helping to make the game play more exciting. In addition players may enter a PVE environment having everyone against everything - called PvPvE - Player versus Player versus Environment. This is a concept that first appeared in NCSoft's Aion, and has proved to be a great success. Of course, the regular PVP feature will remain as well if the other is too much for one to handle. Another existing game feature, Guild vs. Guild battles, will remain in Guild Wars 2 as well.

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Wait Just For Guild Wars 2 For My Game Experience

Spectator mode is a feature a lot of Guild Wars 2 fans have been asking about ever since structured PvP was first unveiled last summer. The latest editorial sent in from one of our community members, Innuendo, takes that one step further. Rather than simply joining the masses in their request for some form of spectator mode to be implemented, he raises the bar by outlining exactly how such a system could work to provide the best user experience possible.

Ok, Guild Wars 2 is going to come out eventually.  Lots of us have played the beta and are ready to gay marry this game (to learn why I am, check out my review of GW2).  For those of us who will be playing this game (raises hand), shall we start an atheist guild?It’s the little details that we sometimes find to be the most interesting. In this case, we have managed to cobble together a look at the GW2 model of what appears to be a Stone Dwarf and a quick comparison between the standard heights of Asurans. Getting the two of them together for a pic was, as you can guess, a bit of a hassle but they eventually agreed once we threw some Guild Wars 2 swag their way.

Guild Wars 2 fans, we know that ArenaNet can't put the game out quickly enough. Believe us, we know. Thankfully, some new information uncovered through a bit of detective work on behalf of Gamebreaker's Jason Winter indicates that we may not have to wait too much longer.

Financial reports issued by Korean Development Bank's securities firm, which is one of the largest brokerage firms in Korea, have included a number of documents involving the much-hyped title, in which predictions are made for a Guild Wars 2 release date in Q3/Q4 2012 (likely before Thanksgiving) and an "imminent" release date announcement. Keep in mind that this isn't just some random guy on the internet; these predictions come from people who report on these things for one of the largest brokerage firms in Korea, which means a lot of money (and probably some jobs) are on the line. To get the full details straight from Winter himself, go check out the full video on Gamebreaker, but take it all with a grain of salt. As ArenaNet is fond of reminding us, nothing is official until Anet says it is, and the game will be out when it's ready.

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We'll start with Guild Wars 2

We'll start with Guild Wars 2, the new comer, the game changer, the innovator. Guild Wars 2 brings so much to the Guild Wars 2 gold MMORPG genre but also removes just as much. Some could argue that it's the things Guild Wars 2 doesn't have in the GW2 doesn't have a traditional levelling system, each level is the same difficulty to achieve as the last, but the tasks and quests and events will be harder as you try to level up. I think this is a great way to do things as it means quite simply, there is no grind.

 Play as you have time, be rewarded for your time, the way MMORPG's were meant to be played. Time sinks are great, but only when you feel rewarded for the time you have invested in the game and developers have seem to forgot their perspective as a player and instead concentrated on how much money the game will make them. One again, that is understandable but that doesn't make good games. What really makes GW2 amazing, though? I'd say it's how every design was built from the ground up, everything was considered before they started and everything feels like it is meant to be in the game and not added as they went a long, so many games suffer from this and it really hurts to have a great game until you can tell that they've just tacked something on and it doesn't feel right at all, The PvP experience  is completely separate from your PvE experience and has nothing to do with it so everyone has a completely fair experience.

With the cyberspace reason further extra readily available, net games were accomplished in the direction of get using prevention to maintain massive amounts of simultaneous players.Hence, the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) was born.Players will potentially at secondary program form total cyberspace communities beneath a virtual world.Popular MMORPG titles experience got Everquest, Guild Wars, WoW, plus diverse others.WoW presently has rounded 10 million subscribers.The succeeding was taken perfectly the Blizzard website: "PARIS, France.

Players have the opportunity to participate in Guild Wars 2 ", then do not miss the opportunity to cooperate with other players to share adventure, and it creates a funny way to go for a lovely game in Guild Wars 2.
Team process can be interactive with the combination of tactical consultations and the occupational mix of skills, thus players are able to experience the pure enjoyment. More people who can meet more challenging events, more people will gain the vocational skills, as portfolio is richer and more interesting. For example, I participated in a large team to reach 40 combat large group of players collectively against a very powerful Boss, The Boss has a deadly AOE skills to lead a team while nearly 30 players fell into the near-death state after the release, I use the warrior who has a special skill, in a dying state to use their strength to restore the ability to truly enter into the death resurrection after 20 seconds. 

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Compare All Games Guild Wars 2 Seems To be Next Step For Life

Guild Wars will provide set to music cutscenes that tell the story - the voice reaches the level of 60 feature films, according to developer ArenaNet. In addition to the videos convey some impressions Screenshots Guild Wars 2, because a lot of information to the MMORPG have not yet been published. A release date is not known.Since 2007, the sequel, Guild Wars 2 was announced. After an extended beta test, and a release date has not yet been revealed, this game is the black pixel for some months, including through a variety of videos and some news spread across the canvas. ArenaNet Guild Wars 2 position as a innovative game in its genre, the MMORPG.

The necromancer in Guild Wars 2 conjures up the dead, wielding the power of the lost souls and the living literally sucks out the blood. Using the energy of life he can protect allies and beat the cheat death. This vital energy is replaced by the necromancer by killing opponents. If he himself run out of health points, he uses the skill death veil. We may continue to fight the necromancer in spirit form, until he kills an opponent. It then goes back into the bod .

In the latest Tower Talk chats Albert Liao, Game Designer of Guild Wars 2, with colleagues from wartower.de about the large persistent world, the dynamic event system to be influenced history of his own character. In the second part of the gamescom Specials reported Frogster Henning Schmidt of action-packed combat system Teras.For example, the online games I play are WOW, Crack, EVE, as well as TERA, and I will also pay attention to other online games from time to time to. It can be said that an online game was a great success, not the other online games are failure. We cannot not notice since 2004 the birth of WOW; some other strong games also get some good results.

Guild Wars Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall and Guild Wars: Eye of the North are role-playing multiplayer online who can play with anyone, anytime and anywhere in the world. The players live at the option of unlimited adventure of a screenplay award winning between them and magical creatures, races forgotten, spirits and even a vengeful god. Play solo, recruit and control of mercenaries or join a group with other players. The economic model no subscription fee for Guild Wars franchise has won a massive success with players and together an online community so enormous and diverse.

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Guild Wars 2 More Massive MMOs

Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released this year, the players love it dubbed many titles such as savior of such games, the World of Warcraft Terminator and the opening of a new era. We must ask whether the game so appealing, allowing the player to give such a high rating? Then then I chose the five grounds of Guild Wars 2 finished reading it.Guild Wars 2 game world is not a static world, but is full of hustle and bustle of the various types of biological, so players do not need to stand there alone, waiting for the change around.

 The Guild Wars 2 interface aims at letting the player have fun. The integration of old Guild Wars games and old MMOs puts knowledge and experience gained by players from the old games into test in addition to ensuring maximum fun  while leaving some room for improvement. To cap it all, Guild Wars 2 is a remarkable game that targets the top spot with regards to MMOs with modifications that are meant to intrigue the player.

 The words describe you or not, the game world of creatures in there, not to rise and live their own lives. In addition, there are many legends in the Guild Wars 2. The tone early in the battle had been laid, and the game company in the Guild Wars 2, ArenaNet and carrying on this tradition.Guild Wars 2 picture 2Mais, there or Guild Wars 2 seems to be an innovation is in its combat system. Management skills, weapons, skills, care and death could be a "new experience". A file describing all this is available on the website of Guild Wars 2. Another point is the history of the character played. Each player could change depending on the choices its history, thanks to social classes, or a biography.

All I really did though for the stress test (because it's all I had time for) was figure out how to properly fight with my Mesmer, and go through the storyline a bit. I did get to experience some of the events and I noticed that they scaled according to how many players there were so that was neat. I really didn't have any problems with Guild Wars 2.

In the Guild Wars 2 when you are passing through riparian may receive the mission to kill small monsters. Or, if you see those little monsters are attacked villagers, then I believe you will spontaneously to kill these animals. The other games are by some naive little story to tell you what is happening in the game everything your own experience.Uniqueness and all roundedness in play is highly displayed by professions and for this reason, Guild Wars 2 lacks a specific healing profession since all professions support each other.

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Nothing Can Compare Guild War 2 In My Heart

"Guild Wars 2" is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) from Arenanet® that is currently in development with the Guild Wars 2 release date speculated to fall somewhere within 2012. Set in the fantasy world of Tyria, Guild Wars 2 follows the legend of earlier Guild Wars versions.
The biggest event in the storyline is the re-awakening of the Destiny's edge- A dispersed guild of fighters earmarked for the purpose of fighting the prejudicial rule of the Elder dragons on Tyria. Guild Wars 2 also introduces a new race- the Sylvari in addition to the Humans, Asura, Norn, and Charr from the earlier versions.The player can create a character based on one of the five races and the eight professions announced so far. The professions are divided into three armor classes-Light armor (Scholars), Medium armor (Adventurers), and heavy armor (Soldiers). Below are some of the professions and an introduction to their associated abilities.

Treatment of occupational Guild Wars 2 is not essential, because each player gains access to treatment in their teammates (any occupation) or their own special skills. Soldiers, for example, MT has the skills of relief for damage, and their teammates Mesmer will occasionally release the chaotic turmoil skills, the skills are used to attack the enemy at the same time when the warrior MT restored to life, the guardian of the team has an additional effect of recovery among the group life skills, the skill effect is offset by the harm suffered by the soldiers MT. In this way, several squad teammates formed chain treatment combinations, and even more durable fighting are more suitable to copy. Purchasing GW2 Gold will make you be more stronger to gain more healer skills in the domain of Guild Wars 2.The most beautiful European and American gaming
Guild Wars 2 production team said that game stories will be showed by picture quality, compared with" Lord of the Rings OL "and other online games, the game characters are more aesthetic, and the game scene is so real and beautiful.
 The new PVE dynamic task:This is a reform of the task within the traditional online games and content systems. There will be over 1500 dynamic events in the game when on the line, you will not encounter a different event tasks at any time, which could impact the world.The traditional treatment, tanks and DPS iron triangle mode will no longer exist, each class will have some therapeutic skills to help his teammates and the entire team, and skills can only unlock the weapons skills through the use of weapon proficiency.In the Guild Wars 2, PVP will have a dedicated PVP skill, rule of PVP will automatically rise to 80 full levels when come into the three factions' competitive world, as long as the participants you'll access to gain goods and experience. Become a major e-sports projects is the goal.

Obviously, healer skills in some occupational therapy skills are stronger compared with other occupations. However, if some players preoccupied for a pure treatment by his days in the game is not a good mix, because in "Guild Wars 2 ", a pure treatment for the team can be taken into enough treatment of output, his contribution can not keep up with the treatment of income between the various occupational skills of cooperation while a professional presence also greatly reduce the damage output of the team. With the help of strong Guild Wars 2 Power Leveling, your character will be powerful in teamwork battles .

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Exposure Bell collection of animal pups quirks once depending on Leonardo as the sworn enemy of

Christian - Bell
Starring Zhang Yimou film "Thirteen Girls in Jinling" widely known by the Chinese audience Christian - Bell recently named by the quirks of the collection of animal pups, and had claimed to not like Leonardo - DiCaprio.

According to Bell, the former public relations officer and friend of Harrison - said in the book, Bell unpleasant because of his melancholy, bad temper. In a car rental center, Bell had reprimanded the woman, let it tremble with fear. Bell collection quirks also staggering a young age often pups in all kinds of animals in the bedroom, the room is always chaotic and dirty.

In addition, Bell has also publicly disclosed, as Leonardo rival, because he and Leonardo compete for the film "not as good as the re-start", "not the same sky" and "Titanic," the protagonist defeat. Leonardo starred in the film "The Great Gatsby" award-winning, which makes Bell is also the envy of jealous hate.

Lady Gaga dancers hit concussion Self-reported safety

Lady Gaga被伴舞击中导致脑震荡 自拍报平安
Recently, Lady Gaga, Twitter released an own from photographs, photos of Lady Gaga glasses swelling, like to be Haibian meal like too. It is reported that its third New Zealand concert during a performance, Gaga was the dancers accidentally hit in the face, heavily using prop rod leading to the present tragic kind.


"Prometheus" to lead the North American box office in September is expected domestic release

Ridley Scott, "Alien" to create a people come out of retirement to create a prequel to "Prometheus", the theme of focusing on the origins of mankind.
Summer in North America last weekend, the first round head, June 8, 3D animation "Madagascar" and Ridley Scott's "Alien" prequel "Prometheus" released the same day, of which $ 21.4 million Friday box office win over $ 20,450,000 of the former, the movie box office record the best start of the series. This reporter has learned that the film has been submitted for review, expected in early September at the end of August, the domestic release.
Story echoes the first episode of the "Alien"
1979 directed by Ridley Scott's "Alien" to create a sci-fi thriller a new milestone, whether it is shaped design, as well as its wear intestinal broken belly of the lens are impressive. 18 years, James Cameron, David Fincher, - Pierre Jeunet and other big-time director directing a sequel. Ridley Scott, this year to regain the series, invited the "Lost" producer Damon Lindelof, served as screenwriter, echoes the "Alien," the first set of key clues: human shaped LV426 planet wreckage of the spacecraft and the crew of corpses has become a fossil in the end who is profiled in the end come from the ship crashed spaceship is how is it? "Prometheus" will try to uncover the mystery.
"Prometheus" is Scott's first 3D movie, the movie "Finding the origin of human beings by the same mark on ancient civilizations from around the world, brought back the protagonists is curious about the origins of mankind, then boarded the adventure, but found a surprising truth. "Prometheus" by the end of May has taken the lead released in the UK, France and other European countries, the first weekend also made $ 35 million success. Film and shaped series 4 set as the R-Class, so release the theater than "Madagascar 3" 862 less, but nearly $ 50 million start to prove that film attendance is quite impressive, the release of $ 21.4 million results R films in film history ranked tenth.
A large gathering, the earliest until the end of August
The reporter interviewed the staff members of Flowserve Corporation, Prometheus has been submitted for review and is awaiting the results of the review, in order to finalize the schedule after this. If the movie is officially released, there will be a variety of formats of 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D release will be the "Avatar" similar. Informed sources told reporters that the end of July and early August, there will be imported blockbusters "Ice Age" extraordinary Spider-Man "" Batman: Rise of the Dark Knight "line up released the" Prometheus "the earliest released in late August or early September.
"Alien" series has never been in the continental big screen debut, but high status in the eyes of fans overwhelmed by the "Prometheus" Everybody can be described as looking forward.
 reputation differentiation
Film a global box office performance is good but the commentary has both favorable and unfavorable. People say that is one "with exquisite design and excellent performances and exciting film, while others maintained that" the theme of empty script is weak, only a qualified ". British film magazine Total Film "that the movie is impeccable, and he took on the shape and design beyond the first and the second episode, but better than the thirty-four set. Last Wednesday, four film after another in Taiwan, Hong Kong release, "Star," "Winds of September director Lin Shuyu microblogging commented:" Thanks to Ridley Scott, in the general audience with the "Alien" fans he chose to be met before those of us fans, fax this before too wonderful not familiar with the "Alien" audience, should be enough to make them want to see in front of four tablets.

Old love

That short all wishes come true for the elderly, accompanied his wife to go with. If it is not saw, who would believe such a thing?

I have talked about love story may make some readers disappointed, but when I have finished this story, I believe there are some readers will feel a little vibration.
The words of the 1970s, we Toon Tree Street, an elderly couple was the sixties and seventies look, his wife, tall, white skin, big eyes, look out When he was young was a beauty; her husband, although long is not ugly, but a dwarf. They appear in the street At first glance, do not deserve a closer look, but it is perfect for each other. Why? This old couple with each other is a mirror, in addition to the gender difference, their eyes and similar expressions, even face mole, one in the left cheek, one in his right cheek, is consistent with the perfect. Them to buy coal to the coal store, a bucketful of a pole, her husband in front of his wife in the back, lift the coal with the others couple different positions, there is no way, not their ingenuity, is that her husband is short, the effort his wife playing a male angle.
They have a daughter, married. The daughter of a child at the parents, I do not know the parents, or for their own. Own she would about a week back to the time her family.
This is on a Sunday afternoon, the daughter of pounding on the door, which immediately burst into a sound of footsteps, the old couple at the door, two old and joy smile, laugh the mouth of two people actually are crooked to the right .
But daughter came home to their parents smile, her mission seems to be to blame and lessons learned from her parents. She shouted listed with their parents are doing stupid things, including mop shed on the floor too much water, including their spoiled children, too much for him to eat, wear too many, she ate the elderly to jujube soup, while she did say: "hey, you say how many times useless, I think you are old and confused."
An old couple, busy to take off excess clothing to the grandson, with shame, did not dare argue, seems to default so the fact that: they are old, it is a little confused.
After a while, that old lady to her daughter clean up with soup, suddenly clutching his chest, suddenly fell down dead, it is said the cause of death was myocardial infarction. Deceased popular, neighbors heard to hang read. They see usually do not filial daughter this cry into tears, and do not find it strange that such a good mother is dead, she will not cry only wonder why their strange old man, his face expressionless, sitting in his late wife around, looking very calm. The grandson is not sensible, and asked: "Grandfather, how do you cry?"
The old man said: "Grandfather will not cry. Grandmother died, the grandfather also died, my grandfather will die today."
The child said: "You lie, you sick not, will not die."
The old man shook his head and said: "Grandfather will not lie, my grandfather also died today. You see the grandmother dying, refused to close their eyes, she lost no less than me, and I lost no less than her I will stay with your grandmother miles."
Big people hear the words of the elderly have more in mind, watching him carefully. But the old man does not have any clues of his own life, he has been quietly waited at the side of his late wife, sitting in a chair. He has been sitting in a chair. Late at night, the vigil of the people heard sounded elderly throat phlegm sound and less people respond to, the old man fell on the bed of his dead wife's spirit. Then I heard the chime clock "Dangdang when even rang, people to see, it is 0:00.
As he announced, that short all wishes come true for the elderly, accompanied his wife to go with. If it is not saw, who would believe such a thing? But this story is true, that the elderly spend the life and death there, they are my neighbors died in the late 1970s, the same day. That old chime clock later resembled a rusty, any how dial is motionless.
This story describes is that simple, do not know how do you see, I always think that this is the most touching love story of my life can say.


Microsoft's new patent Illustration: remove the smart phone screen private conversation

Have you ever thought similar to the combination of smart phones and laptop or desktop PC, to the side of a dialogue with the people on the phone, while at the same time to review some files or video? Microsoft apparently has come up with to solve this problem. They suggested that the smart phone's display screen design, divided into two parts, one from the master device.

Microsoft calls the "double module of the portable device.

According to the patent, the two displays can be equipped through the magnetic stripe on the smart phone, a monitor can be isolated, while maintaining communication. The end result is that the process can call in the demolition of the screen and do other work.

Microsoft said the company is currently developing other technologies, and soon we can see a variety of uses of these products. It can also be used for small laptops and portable gaming devices.

Andy Rubin, Google Android business executives denied leave

Andy Rubin, director of Google Android
Beijing, June 11 morning news, business executives, Andy Rubin of Google Android (Andy Rubin) on the social networking site of Google Google + Sunday, said he had no plans to leave from Google.

Earlier rumors, Rubin will be leaving to join start-ups CloudCar. Rubin said Google +: CloudCar have my group of friends, in their own entrepreneurial business incubator to provide them with free office space. Revel Touch also share this office space, but I will not join any a company, I have no plans to leave Google. "

Rubin this statement to dispel the worries of the outside world for his departure from Google. However, Rubin's supporters pointed out that the rumors CloudCar a lot of attention.

Rubin also via Twitter rumors, and announced that the daily global activation of the Android device to reach 90 million units. Dissemination of information on Twitter Sunday, said: "no plans to leave Google Android devices daily activation volume in order to make the message more complete, more than 900,000 units."

Rubin is about to leave the Google rumors first from the well-known technology blogger Robert Sike Bu (Robert Scoble). Google +, Si Kebu said he heard that Rubin plans to change career, to join an entrepreneurial enterprise in Los Altos, California. The Sike Bu did not disclose the source, but pointed out that this will bring the results of the two aspects: the lack of Rubin's Android business, as well as the outside world is more concerned about this company in CloudCar.

Sike Bu said that he saw from the publicly reported such rumors, and hope that Rubin or other Google executives to explain this.

Very state electricity supplier "transboundary": S & P trap to the price war quagmire

Electricity provider industry is very strange, the industry as a whole does not make money, generally in deep mire of price war, but why there are people continue to come.
Is particularly surprising is ready to wade this muddy water to the domestic express industry boss SF Express, recently announced that its wholly-owned e-commerce site "SF preferred" Zhengshishangxian, targeting high-end food market.
Logically speaking, the electric and commercial enterprises to get involved in express more reasonable: the logistics of a direct impact on customer experience is an important part of the competition in the industry, the industry self-built logistics, service quality is easily controlled, fast back section, and is differentiated an important guarantee, such as Jingdong Mall's 211 limit reached ". In addition, the industry representative Jingdong Mall and off Eslite, "transboundary" objective historical conditions, level of service of the express industry is lagging behind, they did not find a matching service provider, at the same time, the business of the express industry relatively simple models and revenue models within a certain radius to meet the necessary order to retain self logistics will be able to achieve breakeven. Strategic sense to be considered over the books, why not do?
News, Jingdong and where customers express license apply to the National Postal Authority, will become the new army of the courier industry, in view of the cumulative size of the team and industry influencers, it is not surprising. In addition, due to price competition, power and commercial enterprises extend the value chain to reduce costs which can also understand. Previously, the Morning Star acute chairman Mr Chan said the company received less than Taobao platform order is that, the price is a high degree of transparency, sellers forced to have to make a fuss in the courier on a lot of the big sellers on the Taobao itself is a "four of a" franchisee. Besides, for the unlisted electrical business giants, the configuration of the logistics assets, to facilitate the concept of packaging the asking price of the capital market can be higher you?
Is the case, Jingdong and where the customer as a large number of orders by a third party, including some self-built logistics city. Most electric and commercial enterprises are the logistics outsourcing market is constantly changing, resources, energy, inherently limited, can be optimistic about the original business is still a leg to stand, but also where there is spare capacity to control other?
Express delivery companies compete for the electric provider cake, somewhat difficult to understand: one to enter the industry difficult to make money, now the initial point of time seems to slow, how much of each vertical field are some of the incumbent; Second, electricity providers platform to build from the supplier organizations, sourcing, marketing to consumers, at least in the process much more complex. Think of Suning Appliance in the industry work for so long, have too much trouble from the line moved online, logistics enterprises is equivalent to re-learn to establish a front desk system, this difficulty can be imagined. Distribution will naturally have the advantage, but the trouble most courier companies inventory of its own service in the end how much difference?
From the actual results, the China Post and TOM Group co-founder of "Post Music Network", Yuantong Express was established in 2008, the "new rural network, the early" testing the waters "can not say too successful.
More importantly, most power-commerce is the nature of the retail and courier logistics, economies of scale is critical. The premise of "cross-border" is often the players themselves have to have economies of scale, Wal-Mart, Suning has a huge logistics warehousing system, and the Jingdong later will have that family itself is a giant, the daily shipments placed in Well, the same pattern may not be suitable for the "common people" in the corporate group.
More than 200 years ago, economist Adam Smith popular metaphor for the manufacturing sector with pins for the universal education of the professional division of labor. Hing now talk about the "chain", but, provided that in mature markets, regardless of any industry to be able to "down-take" of the company, after all, specialization is the norm. The reason why there is a lot of chain-take-all companies in China, because many sub links are not yet mature, professional level can not keep up, had to do; professional third-party capacity reserve is not enough, the pressure of competition is not yet apparent.
Specific to the case of good luck, success is difficult to judge, at least not on behalf of the industry trends, nor is it generally express delivery companies can freely imitate. SF is the reason why cross-border, does not rule out the possibility that Wang Wei has a unique business sense may only have a greater commercial ambitions. However, there is after all no all-powerful company.