Andy Rubin, director of Google Android
Earlier rumors, Rubin will be leaving to join start-ups CloudCar. Rubin said Google +: CloudCar have my group of friends, in their own entrepreneurial business incubator to provide them with free office space. Revel Touch also share this office space, but I will not join any a company, I have no plans to leave Google. "
Rubin this statement to dispel the worries of the outside world for his departure from Google. However, Rubin's supporters pointed out that the rumors CloudCar a lot of attention.
Rubin also via Twitter rumors, and announced that the daily global activation of the Android device to reach 90 million units. Dissemination of information on Twitter Sunday, said: "no plans to leave Google Android devices daily activation volume in order to make the message more complete, more than 900,000 units."
Rubin is about to leave the Google rumors first from the well-known technology blogger Robert Sike Bu (Robert Scoble). Google +, Si Kebu said he heard that Rubin plans to change career, to join an entrepreneurial enterprise in Los Altos, California. The Sike Bu did not disclose the source, but pointed out that this will bring the results of the two aspects: the lack of Rubin's Android business, as well as the outside world is more concerned about this company in CloudCar.
Sike Bu said that he saw from the publicly reported such rumors, and hope that Rubin or other Google executives to explain this.