Spectator mode is a feature a lot of Guild Wars 2 fans have been asking about ever since structured PvP was first unveiled last summer. The latest editorial sent in from one of our community members, Innuendo, takes that one step further. Rather than simply joining the masses in their request for some form of spectator mode to be implemented, he raises the bar by outlining exactly how such a system could work to provide the best user experience possible.
Ok, Guild Wars 2 is going to come out eventually. Lots of us have played the beta and are ready to gay marry this game (to learn why I am, check out my review of GW2). For those of us who will be playing this game (raises hand), shall we start an atheist guild?It’s the little details that we sometimes find to be the most interesting. In this case, we have managed to cobble together a look at the GW2 model of what appears to be a Stone Dwarf and a quick comparison between the standard heights of Asurans. Getting the two of them together for a pic was, as you can guess, a bit of a hassle but they eventually agreed once we threw some Guild Wars 2 swag their way.
Guild Wars 2 fans, we know that ArenaNet can't put the game out quickly enough. Believe us, we know. Thankfully, some new information uncovered through a bit of detective work on behalf of Gamebreaker's Jason Winter indicates that we may not have to wait too much longer.
Financial reports issued by Korean Development Bank's securities firm, which is one of the largest brokerage firms in Korea, have included a number of documents involving the much-hyped title, in which predictions are made for a Guild Wars 2 release date in Q3/Q4 2012 (likely before Thanksgiving) and an "imminent" release date announcement. Keep in mind that this isn't just some random guy on the internet; these predictions come from people who report on these things for one of the largest brokerage firms in Korea, which means a lot of money (and probably some jobs) are on the line. To get the full details straight from Winter himself, go check out the full video on Gamebreaker, but take it all with a grain of salt. As ArenaNet is fond of reminding us, nothing is official until Anet says it is, and the game will be out when it's ready.
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